Native plants for wetlands, fields or forests and an eclectic mix of other botanic delights

Spring Cascade

The bloodroots are usually earliest spring wildflowers to emerge from their winter hibernaria, flushing to flamoyance just days after the soil temperatures rise above freezing.  They are preceded only perhaps by the skunk cabbage flowers that create so much heat around themselves that they can melt snow. Soon to follow will be the Virginia bluebells, spring beauties, wood poppies, fiddleheads, violets, hepaticas, trilliums and so many more. At least, that's the way it used to be. Help to reestablish what should be; plant native wildflowers.

Fall Business Hours
10 - 6
10 - 6
By Appointment
10- 6
10- 5
10 - 5
11- 4
Kollar Nursery | 5200 West Heaps Road, Pylesville, MD 21132 | 410.836.0500
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